Music & drama workshops
I absolutely love to give music, drama, dance and rhythm workshops and seminars for children, youth, choirs, students and teachers all over the world – by July 2023 I've given about 60 workshops (of which about 50 have been Imagine workshops) in 32 countries on 6 continents:
in Europe: Finland, Lithuania, Ireland, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Slovenia, Hungary, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Malta, Greece, Belgium, Iceland, Latvia, Sweden, Italy
in Africa: Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia
in Asia: Qatar, Nepal, India, China, Vietnam and Cambodia
in Australia: Northern Territory
in Oceania: New Zealand and Fiji
in South America: Brazil
Music & drama workshops include:
Songs and dances from various parts of the world, inventive voice opening (also combined with drama and improvisation), rhythm exercises, body percussion, coordination and reaction games, grouping exercises, drama games, relaxation, improvisation and/or short plays. I will modify my workshops to fit each particular group. I observe the group in the beginning of the workshop; different things and methods work with different groups.
Nevertheless, it´s good, if the main goals, methods and the content of each particular workshop will be discussed and planned with the person(s) who organize the workshop.
The length of music & drama workshops: usually 2-4 hours
The workshop can last anything between one hour and several days, depending on the age, preferences and goals of the group. In most cases the workshops last for 2 - 4 hours. In my experience it´s best to have max 2 hour workshops for children, max 3 hours for teenagers and anything from 2 hours up to several days for adults.
The ideal age of people on music&drama workshops: 8 - 70 years
Being a secondary and high school teacher, I have worked most with teenagers, but I have given successful workshops for many different age groups; for example Chinese kindergarten kids, Australian primary school children, Irish secondary school teens, high school students in New Zealand, Namibian teacher students, Lithuanian music teachers, religious adult group in Rio de Janeiro, a bunch of friends celebrating Midsummer night in Finland, international choirs and friendship groups in various countries - and the staff of a holiday resort in Fiji.
The ideal size of groups on music&drama workshops: 10 - 40 people
Ideal size of a group depends on the content of the workshop. I will modify the workshop also according to the size of the group; some exercises (especially improvisation) work better with a smaller group, some (especially songs) work best with bigger groups.
Music & drama workshops are held (mostly) in English
It is easiest if all the attendants understand at least some English. It´s even better if everyone also speaks English. Almost all my teaching (or at least instructions) will be in English. At the least there´s got to be one person, who translates everything in English. The tempo on my workshops is usually quite quick and translating everything into another language can slow down the intensity of the workshop.
If needed, I can use also Finnish :), Swedish and bits of German, French or Italian in my workshop.
What do we need for music & drama workshop:
We need an open, airy space, which is big enough for the group to move around and even run. It´s best, if the workshop is held indoors and the surrounding area is not too noisy. I don´t need any equipment whatsoever for my workshop, I will bring along what I need. Nevertheless I´m happy, if there is a good bluetooth speaker available (my bluetooth speaker is quite small), if the workshop will include videotaping a clip of Imagine. I will bring the backup tape for Imagine on a memory stick or CD or send it by email in advance. I will bring with me big papers with the lyrics for the song. I will videotape Imagine with my iphone.
Money / compensation:
I am quite flexible with what I earn from the workshops, as the level of income in very different in different countries. For example in Finland, Belgium and Lithuania I normally get 300-400 euros for a 4 hour workshop – but in Cambodia, Nepal, Brazil and Namibia I have given workshops for free. My salary is very negotiable, and the compensation can also be just lodging + meals :).